Even More Real Estate Photos!

I know, it seems like this is all I have been shooting for the past few months, but I have no complaints! love shooting interior design/architecture/real estate! Although I do really want to get back on to more portraiture jobs again... Hey, whatever the clients want, I am happy to do!

Unfortunately all of these images had to be shot and finished in 1 day so I didn't have time to light paint them and edit them heavily in post, but that's cool; it just makes it more of a fun challenge to get a great photo in camera, without heavily relying on post processing applications. Don't get me wrong, I still used Photoshop and Lightroom, but nothing like what I would have done if I had more than a day and time to light everything individually; either way is still a lot of fun!

I'm seeing my 15mm f2.8 come in really handy in these time sensitive shoots! A lot of the bathrooms that I shoot are very small and almost impossible to capture with a 24mm (standard real estate focal length) without stitching together a panorama in post. So it's been really cool to be able to set up the image right and get the whole room in 1 shot, then all I have to do is apply warp corrections and edit the image. Its far less time consuming than trying to edit a 10 gig stitched image and correct all the little masking errors that the computer makes...

Most of these images were taken with a EF 24-105mm f4 IS USM, EF 15mm Fisheye, EF 50mm 1.4 and a few speed lights, and a few Alien Bees B800 studio strobes... I like to shoot bare bulb raised up very high and pointed to the ceiling, it makes kind of a giant soft box/reflector, and gives for a very even and forgiving light source (as long as the ceilings are white). I always blend exposures with flash lit and natural light, bracketing my exposure through around 8 stops- depending on the time of day of course. Oh and no sky replacement on these! The sunset was beautiful in Los Angeles!

Thanks for looking!

Keep shooting!
