Real Estate Photography

Here are a few Real Estate images from my last shoot. These are composites made up from 70+ images. I start by combining 3 exposures for optimal shadow/highlight information, then I walk around the room and add flash pops to further model parts of the room/decor to enhance the image.


It has been said that a picture says a thousand words. What do your property photos say? Do your current images relate to the customer: we care, we pay attention to close detail, we know what you want, your happiness and comfort are our priority...

When I shoot the interior of your property I pay close attention to every detail. This image was created by mixing over 70 images together in photoshop. I go around the room and light every individual object in the room to draw your eye towards the find detail in every interesting inch of the living space. Some people like to just look through the camera and pull the trigger but I envision how your living space can be the most interesting it can possibly be, in order to relate to the customer the passion you have for your property.